Brand photoshoot planning tip | Mason City Iowa PHOTOGRAPHER

Mason city iowa brand photographer

Understand your WHY before you invest in a photographer.

I've noticed a lot of small businesses getting brand photos because it's the trendy thing to do and it's something they FEEL like they should do because that's what social media is telling them to do. 

 Please don't get caught up in marketing trends. Instead figure out WHY you really need/want to get brand photos in the first place.

If you don't know the answer two things happen:

1) you are wasting your money


2) you will resent the whole process and then never end up using your photos and trust me I’ve seen this happen and its the WORST!

MASON city iowa headshot photographer

Here ares some things to ask yourself:

-Do I really BELIEVE a photoshoot is going to help my business? 

-What is my end goal for a photoshoot? (ie - to be consistent on social media, to upgrade your website, to feel like a CEO, etc) 

-What do I want my dream clients to feel when they come to my website and social media platforms?

And if you want to start brainstorming grab my Brand Mini Questionnaire here.

When you know your WHY the whole experience feels an amazing self care investment for your business and you become so much more excited to share this images with the world and show up!

mason city iowa commercial photographer

I you are interested in find out more information on how I can help your small business or update your headshot. Inquire here. I can’t wait to help you!


N Eden creative event | Clear lake iowa photographer


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